You encounter many peoples...in fact tonnes of them.
They come and go in your life but the one that stay with you, are your family and of course your best of friends...
which are very few.
These peoples are the ones that you count on through your ups and downs...

Wednesday 5 December 2012

To say or not to say....

It is so hard to ignore your deepest feeling especially when u like and love someone. Sometimes the timing could be so so wrong, but the feeling is so so right. So if that happens to you, should you say it or just keep the feeling to yourself?

Well, after being on this lovely Earth for 32 years, I somehow believe that we should at least express our feeling towards someone, because than at least he will know. It could be a mutual feeling where both of you feel the same, but it could also be one-sided. Now that's a risk that we must bear in mind,as a possible rejection could be a big blow to one's ego.  But I do truly believe that at least....let him know...because it is not every day you will be able to meet someone you truly like.

Love is just a feeling that comes naturally without any warning, it is actually a beautiful feeling if you're sincere. So being able to express how you feel is also a rare gift. A gift that you give to yourself, because now at least he knows how u feel. You just want him to know and you do not really expect anything in return. At the end of the day, it may work out, it may not... Wallahu a'lam... ;)

Monday 3 December 2012

Savour every moment...

When 2 people could sit and have a long talk together with great ease, it is totally awesome. The atmosphere is very comforting, every line filled with laughter and smile. Each of them took their time to talk and listen to each other's stories earnestly.

Time seems to stand still because you really feel the presence of that person. You somehow wish time would stop and it'll be just the 2 of u having any light or deep conversations, hoping that it won't end. How incredibly sweet. Being able to share anything at all with that person, brings such pure joy to one's heart even though it was something as simple as having a ride in the same car. 

Enjoy and savour the moment, what's most important is you feel happy and you really do feel like u want to smile all the time ...