You encounter many peoples...in fact tonnes of them.
They come and go in your life but the one that stay with you, are your family and of course your best of friends...
which are very few.
These peoples are the ones that you count on through your ups and downs...

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Eyes – The Windows to One’s Heart

Human’s eye is truly a fascinating feature. It is associated with many things, be described in many ways. It conveys a lot of hidden emotions which are not expressed but can be seen by the keen eyes of others. I’ve heard numerous times that if you want to know whether someone is being frank or not, you could stare into his or her eyes and know the truth. 

A classic example is when you see someone you like, you can’t hide the twinkles in your eyes or when a person is giving their full concentration, you’d be able to witness a very intense gaze from them. When a person is talking about his or her passion for example food or football, the mere mention of their favourite topic would brighten up their face hence you could see their eyes wide open, bigger than usual. However if you see someone with half-closed eyes and you got a blank stare from someone, it signifies that only the physical body of that person is there, but the mind is elsewhere.

At another instance, when you look at two people who are madly in love with each other, you would instantly notice at how they are looking at one another. It’s like as if their eyes are the ones communicating with non-spoken words. There is no denying that you could literally see love in their eyes because they are really into each other. Well I have almost forgotten what it’s like. It would be totally awesome to have such mutual feeling towards another person, right? For those out there who have found their soul-mates or their other-halves…you’re SO lucky.  How I wish I would find mine too. Perhaps…perhaps…perhaps ;)
Anyway what happened recently was an eye-opener, it was incredible. Last week I was teaching in class as usual, and then I suddenly noticed there was this one student, who was giving his full attention to what I was teaching. What was so distinctive about him was his eyes. Previously the boy always had this sad-looking face, bored-looking eyes but that day it was different. I mean he had these glowing eyes that were like smiling, full of life and very alive. It’s like sincere fondness, very genuine and innocent. It definitely put things into perspective for me, now the term ‘smiling eyes’ makes complete sense to me.

It was great to know that you could evoke such emotions from someone. Knowing that you could make someone really happy is like a boost to your own self-esteem. It makes you feel good about yourself and makes your day a little happier too.  It truly made me realised that it is so, so true that 'eyes is just like the windows to one’s heart'. 

So, the next time I come into contact with someone, I’ll pay more attention to their eyes. If their eyes are ‘alive’ and their face lights up…it means they are at ease with me. If they’re not, it’s ok…no harm done. It is still good to be able to know and be aware of it...

Another lesson learned, another experience gained. Alhamdulillah…    \(^-^)/

Friday 24 February 2012

Tuesday 21 February 2012


~ Life is beautiful.....
because of the people who somehow manage to make you smile n laugh, even at your saddest moments.

It makes a huge difference to my days ...adds colours to my life. Reality check - keeping in mind that nothing lasts forever, but for now...I'm very grateful for what I have and I'll cherish it :)

Subhanallah, thank you Allah for your endless gifts & guidance ♥♥♥

Monday 20 February 2012

A blast from the 90's...

I love this song..it is sooo inspirational. This was the song that we heard at the airport, in the break of dawn...right after we reached KL from Iowa. Brings back a lot of memories...good ones :) I'm blessed..

"R.Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly"

I used to think that I could not go on
And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me, oh

If I can see it, then I can be it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it


Hey, cause I believe in me, oh

If I can see it, then I can be it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it


Hey, if I just spread my wings
I can fly
I can fly
I can fly, hey
If I just spread my wings
I can fly

Sunday 19 February 2012

Missteru ~ The Origin

That's my name...of course it's not my real name....but well I just wanted to share how I come out with the name.

"Miss" is just a title for a lady or a girl...like Miss Nuraisyah...Miss Hermione..

"Teru" is from a Japanese word 'Teruterubozu'..it's this very cute little mini-doll that is white in colour.

Well this goes a long way when I was a teenager...those were the time when Japanese drama was a new hit trend here....got it from a drama "With Love" starring Yutaka Takenouchi. The story was about two people who first knew each other through the Internet...the relationship was basically in the virtual world. In real life, they have actually crossed each other's path so0o many times but yet they didn't know about it. A sweet, romantic story..my kind of story :) Make-your-heart-melts kinda story...

These are the cute little 'teruterubozus' and when I was surfing I just discovered that 'Teru' itself means 'Sunshine'.... \(^-^)/....

So basically Missteru - Miss Sunshine... hehe dunno whether that really suits me or not... ..nonetheless...I love it, it's kinda cute ;)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

2012~Another new chapter in my life...

Oh My! My last entry was a day before my birthday last year...and that was like 3months ago. Gee...really seems like such a long time ago. It was due to the absence of my HP Laptop which  now could be officially called 'a total wreckage'. But yes..the good thing is.... I got a replacement..a RED ASUS laptop. RED..what a choice..it was quite bold of me to choose it...but i really like it .It was quite memorable, the day I got this new laptop...indeed.

I have been experiencing such a CHANGE in my life after my last entry. UNBELIEVABLE.. for the things that have happened after that. Forming new bonds, finding new good friends...then having to let it go 'again'. It was quite a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Things that I never thought I'd do...things that I have never thought of..it is so so true when people say.."life is full of mystery n surprises".

Since 'change' is something inevitable..I'm just trying so hard to be strong, to take it one day at a time and praying to God to give the strength that I need. Trying to be optimistic under such circumstances is mostly unbearable. But I need to learn the concept of 'ikhlas and redha'....yes I have to. InsyaAllah :)